• av: Emilia G
  • mottagare: the government of Australia

recently the government seems to be all involved in things like money Money and oh maybe MONEY and all the care about is themselves, i don't know about you but i know about i don't know 3000 DISGUSTED people we need scientists to look into investigating are environments health. Governments if your so involved in MONEY, then why don't you pay for the scientists and get this saving the environment thing on the role lets see how the public likes you after you do that, they will be all over you!!!!

i have a few suggestions
1: tree planting day a great and simple way to help the environment
2: stop letting the wood choppers and forest destroyers kill our beautiful wildlife
3: open more protected wildlife parks
4: reintroduce endangered species to their natural habitats
5: get the scientists to check out those lovely rainforests we seem to have!!!

ok this might help if i get 10000 signatures will you at least make a start!!! sheesh or maybe you can just do it, please everyone who's reading this, sign the petition and write something in the comments

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