Punish Animal Abuser Who Left Her Defenseless Dog Next To A Dumpster!

    How ignorant does someone have to be to leave a caged dog to die of exposure and dehydration?!

    Add your name if you want to make sure that people who abandon their animals to roast in agony are punished, FOR REAL!

    "The Screven County Sheriff's Office has identified a woman who abandoned a dog at a county trash collection site. ...

    "According to the sheriff's office, the dog has been picked up and is being taken care of.

    "Screven County's sheriff says the community has just too many resources available to dog owners to leave one next to the dumpsters.

    "Screven County Animal Control says the dog showed signs of neglect and abuse.

    "They identified the woman in the video as Symone Roberts. Roberts turned herself in at the jail for a felony warrant of animal abuse. ...

    ""She had options available that she didn't take any of them. They were there. She just wouldn't take them. Why? Lord only knows. But there's no sense in an animal suffering like that animal has suffered"," said Sheriff Mike Kile, according to WTOC.

    All that sweet dog wanted was to give Symone Roberts its love...

    It wanted to go with her everywhere.

    But it was heartlessly abandoned, and would have died if it hadn't been rescued.

    People who do this to animals must be punished.

    Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

    That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would impose strict, nationwide punishments on people who abandon their animals.

    Don't you want to protect defenseless animals from abusers like her?

    Then add your name to ask Bernie Sanders to take charge of this issue and impose strict punishments on people who leave their animals to die!

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