Stop Poisoining Stray Cats and Dogs in Egypt

  • av: nancy Yacoub
  • mottagare: The Governors, prosecutors of law and the President

The killling of stray cats and dogs is like giving a legitimacy to the next step: killing CHILDREN.

Abusing an animal in the street, is using your human power over weak animals and helpless souls. This is not accepted by any means; as no one should ever be able to jeopardize the life of another soul, simply because he is the stronger one. If we dont stop the killing of stray cats and dogs, if we dont stop to allow children to play with them, we will end up with the stronger killing the weaker at the human level. We will very soon face a disaster that a man/woman killed a child simply because she does not like him or see that he is annoying them.

Murder & Terrorism begins with animal abuse and slaughter. Please stop killing and poisoning nice and kind souls to humanity like cats and dogs. They are making the equilibrium in nature.

Please Stop Poisoning them.

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