End Carnegie Learning Now!

    In Fort Campbell Kentucky schools, all military children are suffering from this site that the Dodea curriculum is considering to be great for students. This is far from the truth. Here are all of the reasons:
    1) To complete one lesson spans from 30 minutes to 4 hours. This is completely unrealistic time and hinders extra curricular activity opportunities.
    2) It isn't the best way of teaching. Many students don't understand the context of a lesson in Carnegie Learning as well as a teacher would instruct a class. It is inefficient and often takes points off by giving automatic hints that students didn't even click.
    3) Though there is a way to practice before the lesson, it doesn't completely explain what to do. Sometimes in the Step-by-Step it will do things for the students if they get the answer wrong more than two times. This is without even explaining how the student got it wrong during the Step-by-Step problem.
    4) It is putting stress on everyone in the classroom including the teachers. The teachers don't have a say in what the students could use as a more efficient application and often have to do more work to explain better to the students.
    5) The curriculum for math suggests that a lesson should be done per day, but shouldn't be the case because it is unrealistic and takes more than a day to gather information.
    Many students in FCHS would like to have a better learning application for math. It would be better to have Khan Academy, where all of the lessons are taught and in the format of videos. It is also more interactive and explains problems that aren't correct.
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