Urge the Biden Administration to Take Stronger Action Against Anti-Trans Laws

Dear Friends, Allies, and Advocates,

The GOP is on an all-out crusade against the trans community. Red states have weaponized their gerrymandered supermajorities to pass laws outlawing gender-affirming care. This care is considered safe, effective, and medically necessary by major professional health associations, including the American Medical Association. The laws overrule parents and strip their kids of critical healthcare.

Republicans are using the trans community as a political punching bag. Some have even called for eradication of transgender Americans. This is fascist speak, and we must do everything in our power to stop it.

I hope you will join me to urge the Biden Administration to undertake every effort to block these dangerous laws.

This year alone, an avalanche of states have passed either a partial or total ban on life-saving gender-affirming care for our trans youth, bringing the total number of states with some sort of ban to 18: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia. More states are considering bills as we speak.

Last year, the Biden Administration wrote to all state attorneys general warning them against infringing on the rights of transgender youth. After that, it has intervened in two lawsuits, in Alabama and Tennessee. But what of the other states?

The Justice Department has shown it has the power to protect our transgender youth.

Please join me in urging the White House to fight harder against the wave of red state laws coming out that threaten the well-being and safety of the trans community.

In solidarity,
Uncle George

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