Removal of Principal Blake

  • av: Mike Sandberg
  • mottagare: Ms. Susan Blake Principle of Kennedy High School in Granada Hills

Ms. Blake has demonstrated that she does not have the student's best interest at heart by the following examples:
1. She has sytematically targeted the termination or interruption of sports programs throughout the school.(I.E. alleged termination of swim team, vollyball, disruption of the softball program, and attempting to interfere with the Baseball program by removing the Head Coach without providing a plan for coverage during his absence.) 
2. She has violated No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Sections 1001, 1111, 1112, 1115 & 1118.  
3. She has blocked and or hindered parent participation which is a valuable Title 1 Resource.
4. She is jeopardizing the ability of students to experience the vision that is set forth by Kennedy's history.
5. She has a history of 'lying' to the parents of athletes, in order to pursue her agenda.
6. She has a history of misappropriating school funds, hiring and overpaying her husband and his 'band', while denying teachers & students school supplies.
7.  She was the boss of Pedro, the school staff who took kids to a Dodger game, and yet Ms. Blake is inerrantly attempting to put the responsibility on Coach Alvarado.

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