• av: Ryan Burbey
  • mottagare: County Executive David Craig

HCPS is currently one of the lowest funded school systems in Maryland.  HCPS desperately needs funds to maintain the instructional program and fulfill obligations to school system employees.  Our children deserve quality schools.  Building quality schools for the 21st century is not possible without adequate funding.  We feel that it is the duty, responsibility, and obligation of the County Executive to allocate the funds necessary to ensure that the children of Harford County have ample opportunities for the BEST possible educational experience to prepare them for lives as productive citizens.  Therefore, we feel that County Executive David Craig must FULLY fund the Harford County Public Schools budget.


Dear County Executive Craig,
HCPS is currently one of the lowest funded school systems in Maryland.  HCPS desperately needs funds to maintain the instructional program and fulfill obligations to school system employees.  Our children deserve quality schools.  Building quality schools for the 21st century is not possible without adequate funding.  We the undersigned, feel that it is the duty, responsibility, and obligation of the County Executive to allocate the funds necessary to ensure that the children of Harford County have ample opportunities for the BEST possible educational experience to prepare them for lives as productive citizens.  Therefore, we the undersigned feel that County Executive David Craig must FULLY fund the Harford County Public Schools 2013-2014 budget.

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