Griffith City Council to reopen Pound to Needy Paws Dog Rescue

Griffith City Council has come under fire due to a dog dying in their facility. A rescue organisation raised the issue with Council as it was seen by two rescue members in its pen along with pools of blood. The rescue members had unvaccinated dogs in their vehicle so could not take the dog themselves, instead they notified a Ranger of the problem yet no veterinary treatment was sought. The dog was found dead in its pen the next morning.

Council have informed Needy Paws Dog Rescue that they no longer want their assistance, what that means for the dogs in the pound facility is death for a large majority of them. Euthanisia numbers are about to rise, all because there has been a disagreement over the treatment of an animal in a council facility.

This petition is to show Griffith City Council that closing the pound is not going to help the cause. We request that Griffith City Council allow Rescue Groups to do their job while the investigation is underway.

Your signature will help support this cause.

Thank you.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Hi All

Thank you for your support with this petition. Needy Paws Dog Rescue representatives met with Council this morning and have come to a resolution. Needy Paws and Council will continue to work together to rescue and rehome dogs from the pound.

The meeting was very positive and we are now all moving forward for the well being of the dogs that enter the pound facility.

THANK YOU everyone for your support! You Rock!!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
I have now changed the petition name to Griffith City Council to reopen pound to needy Paws Dog Rescue. Council has stated in an email to Needy Paws "Thank you for the work you have done in re-homing animals from the pound to this point, however given the current circumstances it can no longer continue.

Needy Paws is the ONLY local dog rescue organisation. Council must realise its not about difference of opinion but about the welfare of the dogs that enter the pound.

Thank you

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