Pull Advertising From Bill O'Reilly, Don't Support Sexual Harassment!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Hulu, Jenny Craig, United Airlines, Microsoft, and Capital One
The New York Times reported this weekend that at least five women have filed sexual harassment claims against Bill O'Reilly and settled for over $13 million dollars. Since then some advertisers, like Mercedes-Benz, have pulled their advertising dollars from the show, refusing to fund this disgusting man. 

Now it's time for us to call on the other companies who advertise during Bill O'Reilly! Sign this petition to ask Hulu, Jenny Craig, United Airlines, Microsoft and Capital One to stop funding sexual harassment!

Media Matters reported that the allegations include "verbal abuse, lewd comments, unwanted advances and phone calls in which it sounded as if Mr. O'Reilly was masturbating." That means that any company who advertises there has been paying off a sexist, abusive behavior. It's time for corporate America to get a spine and refuse to fund people who behave so awfully towards women. 
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Our action is working! Jenny Craig pulled their advertising. Keep sharing the petition to encourage Hulu, United Airlines, Microsoft, and Capital One to follow suit!
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