Ban Sadistic Pig-Dogging Sport!

Pig-dogging is an aggressive hunting method in which trained hunting dogs are pitted against wild boars. Proud enthusiasts of the sadistic blood sport often post online videos of the fights, which involve boars slowly being mauled to death by dogs. The dogs themselves sustain injuries, and some videos show hunters using staple guns to close their wounds.

An annual pig-dogging event called the Dog a Hog competition, held in Queensland, draws pig-doggers from all over Australia. The event has made the sport popular throughout the country, and many are addicted to the thrill of watching hunting dogs rip apart pigs. 

Pig-dogging is cruel to all animals involved in the fights. Australia has an overpopulation of wild boars, but there are many ways to control the animals other than brutal, slow killing. Please sign the petition to urge Australian legislators to ban pig-dogging.

To: Australian Legislators

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the sport of "pig-dogging" that has become popular in Australia.

Pig-dogging is an aggressive hunting method in which trained hunting dogs are pitted against wild boars. Proud enthusiasts of the sadistic blood sport often post online videos of the fights, which involve boars slowly being mauled to death by dogs. The dogs themselves sustain injuries, and some videos show hunters using staple guns to close their wounds.

An annual pig-dogging event called the Dog a Hog competition, held in Queensland, draws pig-doggers from all over Australia. The event has made the sport popular throughout the country, and many are addicted to the thrill of watching hunting dogs rip apart pigs. 

Pig-dogging is cruel to all animals involved in the fights. We understand that Australia has an overpopulation of wild boars, but there are many ways to control the animals other than brutal, slow killing. We urge you to create legislation to ban pig-dogging throughout Australia. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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