Save the Sick, Confined Elephant, Kaavan & Place in Reputable Sanctuary

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: President of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain

A young elephant by the name of Kaavan was literally taken away from its mother in Sri Lanka back in 1985 and taken to the Pakistan Islamabad Zoo.  Ever since that time this baby lived in a concrete enclosure with all four legs chained, allowing for very little movement.  This has been Kaavan’s entire life. Red full story at

Kaavan can do nothing more than bob his head side to side, a behavior typical of despair and depression.  Because of the chains, he also suffers with several deep gashes and signs of gangrene on his lower legs.  If this poor animal is not removed from this atmosphere and helped, he will not have a very long life.  Living at this zoo has robbed Kaavan of the many benefits of an animal living free in the wild, like love, friendship, comfort and freedom.

Join us in our efforts to save Kaavan from this horrific zoo so that we can get him all the medical care and attention he needs and the prospect of a better life possibly in a reputable sanctuary.  This poor animal has spent too many long years in despair and discomfort without ever receiving any medical attention or even be able to walk and roam the way that elephants do. Kaavan has endured much too much abuse and neglect and it is our time to stand up for him and help him in his remaining years.

Our efforts in this petition is to save Kaavan from the Pakistan Islamabad Zoo, provide him love, medical care, exercise and nourishment at which time he can then be placed in a safe, healthy, reputable sanctuary or facility that can give him all the attention and care he deserves.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  Please stand up for Kaavan!

President of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain – We strongly urge you to intervene at the Pakistan Islamabad Zoo, and rescue Kaavan from his abusive environment.  This animal has been bound in chains since 1985 after being stolen from his mom, forever living a life of despair and discomfort ever since.  Please implement specifics orders and regulations that ensures Kaavan is saved from the zoo, that he receives the medical attention he needs in addition to all the love, attention and care he deserves.  Once rescued and treated, Kaavan needs to be placed in a safe, healthy and reputable sanctuary to live out the rest of his years happy and content.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
petition has been delivered to the Chairman, Capital Development Authority, Islamabad Pakistan and the Pakistan President. Thank you for speaking out for this beautiful animal that truly needs to live a happy, normal life.
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