A Rare Antelope Choked on Plastic and Died at This Zoo. Demand Justice!

A devastating oversight at a Zoo in Tennessee led to the tragic death of Leif, a beloved rare Sitatunga antelope, who choked on a plastic cap from a squeezable pouch. The fact that this tragedy was completely preventable is unacceptable – especially considering the other rare and endangered animals the zoo hosts. 

Sign this petition to demand Bright Zoo implement stricter safeguards and rigorous monitoring to prevent hazardous materials like plastic from entering animal enclosures!

Leif was discovered by a zookeeper who found the antelope acting oddly, with fluid leaking from his mouth. Despite immediate intervention, veterinarians failed to dislodge the plastic cap in time to save Leif's life. 

The squeezable pouch was, ironically, an item banned from the zoo premises. This incident exposes serious gaps in the zoo's enforcement of safety measures and visitor compliance.

Since his death, Leif's mate has been wandering her enclosure, tragically searching for her companion who will never return.

Sign this petition to protect these innocent lives from negligence and ensure no other animal suffers from preventable harm.

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