เ'm A т𝕎ᵒ 𝕃乇G𝐆ε∂ 𝐇𝔲ᵍ𝔤e𝓻 𝓝O𝓽 𝓐 𝓕ᗝ𝓾𝔯 𝕃€Ꮆg𝔢𝓭 𝔣Ꭵg𝔥Ⓣέ,! 𝐃Ỗภ'ᵗ ℓάβlε 𝕄є!

  • av: Jennifer Accetturo
  • mottagare: Law makers and anyone involved with animals. Especially pits.

My NIGHTMARE started when I had to leave my dog alone (being checked on every so often) to go to court over another nightmare. After a while I came back to find my DOG GOT OUT of my car. He ultimately ended up in PUPPY JAIL. I wasn't there and am not sure of the full story, but he bit a dog and a person. Minor bites. This is NOT like him at all. 

 I called animal control right away. I could not believe what I was hearing. Now he is facing three years on a list and being labled as DANGEROUS! Yes my dog is a pit,  yes he's a bit scary looking to some, but he is the best dog and for sure is NOT A FIGHTER!. I raised him around other dogs so he would not be aggressive. We have both have been homeless for several years Off on and he is well know and very much loved by a lot of people. When we walk down the street people know us and always love seeing him. People buy him food, treats, and help my boyfriend and I out. Hes So well behaved...but there is something missing in this story.

He isnt mean, but what he can be is scared and nervous. He was lost and too far away to get from point A to point B. Somthing must have gone WRONG. I have no money for a lawyer so I'm working on my own to get my dog out. The restrictions are not fitting for a homeless person and on top it all, he doesn't deserve this LABEL! He's not the ONLY living breathing specie to be put in a cage, (no pun i tentended) and this is a huge problem.

PEANUTBUTTER is one amongst the thousands that are being punished and at risk for just walking down the street. I need the support to show this judge anything I can. IM DOING THE FIGHTING NOW. My dog means the world to me and he is also my support animal. Both him and I almost died in 2 seperate accidents. NEAR DEATH. GOD SAVED US BOTH for a reason. Please help Peanut Butter get home...what we call home. 

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