Justice for Tank

On March 12 2014,  I took my little cousin home after she got off work... she was worried cause her baby had gotten away from the person who was watching him, but she had just bought a new runner and was going to put it up as soon as we found him.... before we got to her house, a neighbor named Kenny Woodburn shot Tank and then afterwards he posted a picture of it on facebook like a trophy....Tank was shot in his side (the side that was facing the house that he was heading away from) and then shot in the head.... To me that just proves that the dog was shot as he was trying to exit the area.... Not only did Mr. Woodburn shoot a puppy (yes Tank had just turned 1 in March) but he also resides next door to a daycare. The direction that he shot was the same direction as the daycare....The outcome that day was very sad but could have been worse....I am asking for support in having this person chaged with any and all charges possible especially endangering a childs (or childrens life).

To view the picture that Kenny posted click here  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=680072722054933&set=a.373807886014753.89218.365041583558050&type=1&theater

Dear Mr. Fritz,

I am sending a compilation of signatures to show the support for justice to be served for Tank the pit-bull puppy that was shot in Ridge in March. I was with Richelle Ince that day, as I usually was since I drive her to and from work quite a bit. Richelle had been advised by Nancy Joy that Tank was running around loose. Unfortunately I had gone to Leonardtown that morning so Richelle was waiting for me to take her down the road. We immediately started looking for Tank when we got to Ridge, only to find him shot dead in the Forrest's yard. Never once had Mr. Woodburn said anything to Richelle that Tank was a nuisance. However he had time to post it all over Facebook along with threats of shooting Tank. This is the reason that we are up in arms over this and will not rest until Mr. Woodburn is punished for his actions. As one of the signers worded it...." Do not Shame Civil Society more by hiding behind the lie of some "good intent". What you did was blatantly cruel and Wrong. Shame on you." Please take a moment to review the following petition and the signatures, and thank you for your time in advance.  


Supporters of Justice for Tank

Uppdatera #310 år sedan
I want to let those who signed my petition know that something is finally being done!!! The petition was sent to Mr. Richard Fritz the states attorney and I am very happy to report that Mr. Woodburn has been charged with RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, AGGRAVATED CRUELTY ANIMAL, and ANIMAL CRUELTY!!! I want to thank everyone for your support and Ms. Ince is very greatful as well!To see what the local paper reported http://smnewsnet.com/archives/99675/will-justice-for-tank-finaly-be-served/
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
So far Mr. Woodburn hasn't been charged but hopefully this week we will hear something... Until then let's get as much support as we can...Thanks so much everyone!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
I just want everyone to know that it is looking like Mr. Woodburn will be charged. In St. Mary's County Maryland animal cruelty is a felony. If he is found guilty of a felony he will NEVER be allowed to own a gun legally again! That would be great. We still want as many signatures as possible so lets keep it going so that we are able to show a lot of suport....
Thanks again to everyone!
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