Coronation Street Bosses - please do not promote the cruelty of dog racing

  • av: Juliet Staveley
  • mottagare: The Chief Executive of ITV, Adam Crozier; and Phil Collinson, Coronation Street Producer

On Friday 26th October 2012, the popular British soap opera Coronation Street depicted characters having 'a wonderful night' out and 'a laugh' at the dog track.

Dog racing is one of the cruellest 'sports' and the dogs suffer hugely in the name of entertainment. They often die after a lifetime of abuse.

Shame on you, ITV and Coronation Street. As a TV show that reaches millions of viewers, we believe that you have a respsonsibility to expose such cruelty or, at the very least, not promote it as a 'laugh'.

We will boycott you until you redress the balance.

UPDATE: I have been deeply moved by the success of this so far and your comments. I've had to double my original target of 1,000 signatures! On behalf of the dogs, thank you so much.

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