Demanding Justice for Brownie

PLEASE read and then sign our petition.

Brownie lived his days on a short, heavy chain, and fell victim to a callous, abusive person.

The information in the post below - sadly tells all.

UPDATED: Felony Arrest Made In Horrifying Abuse Case - WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES



To: St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office

We the undersigned demand Justice for Brownie an innocent dog who suffered a very cruel death at the hands of Adrienne Martin.

Adrienne Martin bragged about and posted online to Facebook some disturbing information about what she had done to Brownie.

The St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office has filed formal charges against Adrienne Martin of felony animal abuse and felony "knowingly burning." and we want her to face the harshest possible punishment for Brownie's death when her case goes to Court.


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