Please help to get this abused dog away from her tormenters!

Two 14-year old girls beat their family pet dog and put a video of the crime on their facebook page.  The local NSW police were quoted as having merely "talked to them" concerning the video. May be you have signed the going petition demanding justice to be done and make this family accountable. Does not look like much is done about it.

Even after police speaking with them and the abuse shown on the news, the girls continued to post comments like "Its just a f*cking dog, I don't know why everyone is so cut up..."  They also said the police just laughed at the footage!

The RSPCA is reportedly "looking into this" but this poor defenseles animal needs to be removed from harm right now!  They will not stop and is not the first time these girls have posted to the internet concerning the ongoing abuse and beatings of their dog!

DEMAND FOR THE RSPCA TO REMOVE THIS DOG FROM HIS ABUSERS and sign this petition today! Please share with your friends. A link to one report of the story -

Please watch!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you very much for signing my petition. Apparently the police are working with the RSPCA and have handed the enquiry to them? So far, not much is done to get this poor dog away from his abusers!. The way that this matter is dealt with is not satisfactory and requires more pressure from the broader community."

Please can you share this petition again as more signatures are needed for more impact. Thank you so much!
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