Call on Governor Newsom to Sign the Poison-Free Wildlife Act Immediately

In a landmark move for wildlife conservation, the California Senate has passed the Poison-Free Wildlife Act, a vital piece of legislation designed to save countless wildlife species from the deadly impact of anticoagulant rodenticides. These toxic substances, known for causing severe harm to non-target species like owls, foxes, and pumas, are a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem health in California.

Sign this petition to urge Governor Gavin Newsom to swiftly sign this crucial bill into law and stop the widespread use of harmful rat poisons in our state.

The Poison-Free Wildlife Act expands existing restrictions to cover all forms of blood-thinning rat poisons, including the last two anticoagulant rodenticides still in use — chlorophacinone and warfarin. With staggering evidence from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife showing high exposure rates among key predators and scavengers, immediate action is essential to prevent further ecological damage and needless animal suffering.

This act represents a critical step forward in reducing the harmful impacts of poisons on our wildlife and ensuring the preservation of our state's rich biodiversity.

Join us in calling on Governor Newsom to affirm his commitment to California's wildlife by signing the Poison-Free Wildlife Act.

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