Demand UPS pay for injuring 10 year old Chihuahua Sam

A Fountain Inn, SC woman is demanding justice for her dog that she says was run over by a negligent UPS driver.

Taylor Hogan says Sam, her 10-year-old Chihuahua was run over by a UPS delivery driver Monday morning as he was using the bathroom in the front yard. Both of Sam's legs were crushed, causing upwards of $4,000 dollars in vet bills, Hogan says. She says UPS has not apologized and is refusing to pay them.

"My dog was not in the road, he was not even on the driveway," Hogan said. "He was in our lawn on the grass. They backed over him. They need to pay these vet bills."

UPS released a statement to WYFF 4 saying:

"Our thoughts are with the family during this unfortunate situation. We are investigating the incident."

Please help me demand UPS do the right thing and pay Sam's medical bills.

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