Stop the Killing of Chesapeake's Homeless Pets - It's time for change!

  • av: Amy H
  • mottagare: City of Chesapeake, VA Police Chief, City Manager and City Council

The municipal shelter for Chesapeake Animal Services (CAS) has some of the lowest rates in the state of Virginia when it comes to saving the lives of dogs and cats. In 2015, in all of the state, 80% of cats and dogs who entered Virginia shelters and rescue groups left those agencies alive. In Chesapeake, where taxpayers funded a $10+M shelter, only 56% of animals left the shelter alive. Compare this to save rates in other Virginia cities - Fairfax 90%- Richmond 85%- Lynchburg 94%.

The leadership in shelters that meet or exceed these percentages are committed to progressive, live-saving programs. For the last 20 plus years, CAS leadership has ignored or actively lobbied against policies and programs that are proven to reduce shelter admissions and increase the number of animals' lives saved. The CAS Director has retired and the position is open. Now is the time for Chesapeake citizens to help their city meet or exceed state save rates. Citizens should insist that the City hire a leader who does not accept the status quo but is fiercely dedicated to saving the lives of Chesapeake’s sheltered pets.

Sign this petition now to let city leadership KNOW you want the city shelter to be a safe haven for homeless animals and you expect leadership to hire a compassionate Superintendent of Chesapeake Animal Services.

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