Repeal Pit Bull Ban In Alexandria, KY!

"Good dragons under the control of bad people do bad things."

Perfectly stated in the animated movie "How to Train Your Dragon, the same can be said of dogs, and in the noisy confusion of the media sensation that is the current argument of the "Pit Bull" problem, it can be difficult for the average person to differentiate fact from fiction.

The truth is, there is a lot of researched, solid information about canine aggression out there that can aid in preventing dog bites and attacks. The misfortune is that the information is not yet common knowledge, especially in the sense that human behavior is what leads to companion animal attacks.

Animal welfare advocates, veterinary professionals, and responsible dog owners are determined to remedy that.

It is unfair for pitbulls to be singled out from all the other types of dog breeds.
Any dog can be aggressive and bite someone. A pitbull does not raise itself to be aggressive and want to harm people. It is the owner who raises their dogs, they should be at fault here. Yet under Ordinance 90.22, innocent pit bulls are banned in Alexandria, KY.

If anyone feels the same way and would like to bring this beautiful dog back to Alexandria Ky., then sign this petition to remove this ban. Thank you for your time in reading this and lets get this going!

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