At the Town Board Mtg February 8th the Board told us they don't like online petitions because anyone can sign them. To prove you are a resident they need your signature and address on paper. If you still want to be included on this petition please e-mail or call/text 914-215-5490 and we can bring the Petition to you for signature OR we can e-mail it to you for you to print out and mail back to us. Thank you for your support. We appreciate it.         

Last year the Town of Somers, NY, added 3 speed bumps and 3 stop signs along Bridge Lane and Lakeview Drive because 4-5 residents asked for them. The people signing this Petition would like to see them be removed permanently. The speed bumps were taken out temporarily for the winter.


SPEED BUMPS ARE DANGEROUS IN EMERGENCIES – THEY CAN COST LIVES. Ambulances and fire trucks are slowed down up to 13 seconds for EACH speed bump. Heart attack victims could die waiting for help. According to a paramedic, "Our trucks have to crawl over them. If we are carrying someone with a neck or spinal injury, you can't go more than 5 mph over them. Can you imagine doing an IV with a patient and hitting a bump?"

SPEED BUMPS DAMAGE VEHICLES. Even crawling over these bumps and grinding traffic to a halt, serious vehicular damage occurs to cars, emergency vehicles, school buses and trucks. Driving over them daily produces a cumulative damaging effect. They must be driven over at idle creeping speed, NOT 25 mph. Car shocks absorb the impact of typical driving conditions, but they cannot handle speed bumps on an everyday occurrence, multiple times a day.

SPEED BUMPS COST TAXPAYERS MONEY AND INCREASE AREA POLLUTION. The repeated braking-acceleration causes vehicles to burn more gasoline, increasing your fuel costs (just what we all need) and adding UP TO 10% to the area's pollution.

SPEED BUMPS HAVE RE-DIRECTED TRAFFIC. By installing these three speed bumps the Town has redirected traffic from going down Bridge Lane and Lakeview Drive to going up and down Carpenter Place and Miller Avenue, increasing the traffic exponentially.

SPEED BUMPS FRUSTRATE DRIVERS AND DIVIDE COMMUNITIES. Residents who live near these speed bumps listen to the constant thumping of cars going over them day and night. The majority of drivers obey speed limits. Impeding roads with reverse potholes and forcing people to endure the disruption and inconvenience simply adds to road rage. Drivers honk their horn and screech their tires as they pass over every bump as a form of protest. The Residents who want them DON'T CARE HOW anyone else feels about them. THEY want them and THEY just want THEIR way and no other residents of "their" community should have any say in what THEY want, even though THEY are the minority and THEY LIVE ON A MAIN ROAD (or didn't they notice this?)


SPEED BUMPS CAUSE PAIN FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS. Speed bumps cause discomfort for disabled people and those with back and neck injuries. As unpleasant as it is for a healthy person to be suddenly jolted by constant stop and go over roller-coaster road impediments, imagine what an injured person feels. Senior Citizen Transport Buses jolt our precious seniors who already are in pain.

SPEED BUMPS ARE BEING OUTLAWED AND REMOVED IN MANY COMMUNITIES. Extensive governmental studies have proven that speed bumps are no more than an annoying, destructive and ineffective method of traffic control.

Uppdatera #27 månader sedan
If you signed this Online Petition the Town Board needs actual signatures. To receive a Petition via email send an email to We need as many Petitions as possible.
Uppdatera #18 månader sedan
At the Town Board Mtg last week the Board told us they don't like online petitions because anyone can sign them. To prove you are a resident they need your signature and your address on paper. If you still want to be included on this petition please e-mail or call/text 914-215-5490 and we can bring the Petition to you for signature OR we can e-mail it to you for you to print out and mail back to us. Thank you for your support. We appreciate it.
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