Relocate Animals in Zoo Due to Lack of Resources & Funds

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Cambodia Prime Minister, Hun Sen

A zoo in Cambodia is expected to take in two more extinct white tigers from Japan but the problem is that this facility cannot even care for and feed the animals it currently has.  The Teuk Chhou Zoo in southern Cambodia is described as a cruel hell for the simple fact that they neglect and endanger the animals they house.  Officials have also pointed out that they do not even have the funds to feed these animals.

This zoo is one of two private zoos owned by Nhim Vanda and a visit to this facility begins with an outline of trash along the crocodile pond.  Many of the animals are living in old rusted cages, with most animals waiting earnestly to see if anyone, worker or visitor will feed them.  How can they take in more animals when they can’t already provide for the ones they have? Read full story at

With the various reports of neglect and poor conditions at the zoo, we are asking that the zoo be forced to relocate all the animals to a safer, healthier environment, such as a sanctuary, wildlife care facility or more reputable zoo.  These animals are not safe and cared for properly at Teuk Chhou zoo.  If they do not have the resources and funds to make positive changes, they should not be allowed to keep this zoo up and running in such a poor state that is not in the best interest of the animals and above all, do not add more animals to the facility. It is like giving these two tigers a sentence for a life of cruelty and neglect.

Our purpose in this petition is to ensure a new animal prohibition to this zoo and ensure the animals presently there go to a place that will tend to their needs and well-being.  You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition. 

Cambodia Prime Minister, Hun Sen – You need to make some changes at the Teuk Chhou Zoo in southern Cambodia that is in the best interest of the animals currently there.  We urge you to see that these animals be relocated to a safer, healthier environment, such as a sanctuary, wildlife care facility or more reputable zoo.  And most certainly, ban any other animals, such as these two tigers from Japan being transferred to such a zoo that has a reputation of abuse, cruelty and neglect.  Consider the well-being of all of these animals involved at this zoo and make the necessary changes that will guarantee them a better life.  Obviously those in charge of this zoo are lacking in their responsibilities and have no concerns for the animals!  Do not allow it and think of the animals without a voice!

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