Man who was set free for starving his 15 year old dog

I am starting this petition because I read a story about how this man name David Lowe who starved his 15 year old dog. David Lowe had neglected his dog Fly for so long that she has lost half of her body weight. She suffered horrible pain. When she was finally rescued she was barely breathing and had to be put down. But her owner walks free because had shown "remorse" at court.
He was having money issues and blamed his girlfriend for not feeding the dog. He showed "remorse" for a dog that he could of ask someone for help to feed her and instead he did the worst thing was to let her starve.
She was dehydrated, was diabetic, had overgrown claws, signs of tooth abscess, a mammary tumour and severe advance dental disease. No animal should have to go through this, he even claimed that he took her to the vet prior to her being sick. We think that he should do some jail time. Yes he got banned from having pets for life but it does says he can fight that after 25 years. So we see it as animals have feelings like us humans and they should not have to be starved ( that's like starving one of your kids) Please help us by signing this petition and put this man is jail and make him pay for what he as done. We want JUSTICE FOR FLY

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
I just want to say Thank you for all the support that we are getting for Fly. Nothing makes me happy then seeing someone that has done wrong to an animal going to jail and doing time for crime. Please keep signing and sharing. If this petition does not help I plan to take it another step forward. Thank you again everyone.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
I just want to say thank you for all the supporters out there and please keep signing and sharing. We need JUSTICE for FLY she did not deserve to live like this no animal does. I have shared this on my facebook and Twitter and the numbers are rolling in. Thanks you everybody.
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