Pull Equity Tours and Actors from Indiana!

  • av: Eric Ulloa
  • mottagare: Actor's Equity Association

With the passage of Indiana's new discriminatory law, it is clear that Indiana is no longer a safe place for the touring theatrical community.

That's right, the casts of some of your favorite shows (Wicked, Book of Mormon, The Lion King, etc) are being thrust into a very scary and unpredictable situation.

To perform in a theatre there just places us in a dangerous environment where government law dictates that discrimination is LEGAL as long as it comes from someone's "religious convictions."

We can be turned out of our hotels for sleeping with a person of the same sex. We can be asked to leave a restaurant because our conversation may be "too gay" for the owners.

Why spend our per diem dollars there and WHY funnel the millions that national tours generate into an environment that legally now treat us as second class citizens. Let's let our union, the Actors Equity Association (the U.S. labor union that represents more than 50,000 Actors and Stage Managers), know that we will no longer tour in Indiana. The union's job is to protect us and look out for our well being, and there is no better time to act than now. If we stand firm as a community, and with the supporters of our community, we deal Indiana another financial blow that will hopefully soon bring this government to their senses.

This petition is NOT just for actors to sign but for ALL of our fellow artist and for ALL of those that support the arts not being subjected to a state of discrimination.

Please stand with us, we are only powerful in numbers.

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