Live goats should not be used in a haunted house attraction

  • av: Bridget Guzzardi
  • mottagare: Craig Schultz, Principal Dark Manor Productions, Inc., Rick Pierce, Dark Manor Productions, Inc., Shea Cavacini, Animal Control Officer Griswold, CT, Town of Sprague Animal Control

Live animals should not be used for entertainment especially in the middle of a haunted house attraction. I was horrified to find that Dark Manor has live terrified goats in their haunted house. I was shocked and upset when I came to a section in the haunted house that had a penned in area with two scared goats running back and forth in it. Walking through the house there are loud sound effects, screams, chainsaws, etc. There are flashing lights, darkness, actors in gruesome costumes, large crowds of people streaming through the packed haunted house; it must be terrifying for these poor creatures who were locked in a small caged in area with no egress from the people streaming through the haunted house.
Think of a dog or cat being put in this situation; how terrified or agitated they would be; it's the same for goats and any other animal. The treatment of these innocent creatures is absolutely awful and unnecessary. I ask that you sign this petition so we can demand that Dark Manor Productions owners Craig Schultz and Rick Pierce immediately cease the use of live animals in their haunted attraction and that we can hopefully set a precedent going forward that all haunted attractions refrain from using live animals for entertainment. We also ask that Shea Cavacini, Animal Control Officer of Griswold, CT Animal Control investigate this allegation of animal abuse immediately.

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