Community needs their city shelter coordinator back!

    Over the past 4 years, Raquel, has been a great member of the community and a successful person in her previous position, as she helped furbabies/pets survive, get adopted, and rescued despite it being a overwhelming task filled with endless phone calls, traveling, as a must to make connections to help the animals. She was able to get animals where they needed without jumping to euthanized as a solution. She made the shelter more of a dependable source, without the owners and the county fearing the unnecessary use of EU. She left due to family emergencies & other emotional needs, but she came back and wanted to end her resignation, as she did not know, the shelter, would quickly change back to the old ways, that she fought hard to end. The community of fosters, pet owners and recuses that she had built a respectful foundation with, is concerned and wants the city, to forgive her leave and hire her back as the Adoption Coordinator.
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