Animal Cruelty is Rampant in Bay Area Live Animal Markets. Demand an Investigation!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: San Francisco Animal Care and Control

A shocking new investigation by Animal Outlook found 11 welfare violations at shops around the San Francisco Bay Area that actively slaughter and sell live animals. These businesses are in clear violation of the law, and local authorities must act now to shut down vendors that are putting the health and well-being of both animals and humans at risk!

Sign now to demand San Francisco Animal Care and Control investigate this abuse and shut down any vendors that are found in violation of animal welfare or human health laws!

Disturbing undercover footage from the investigation shows multiple instances of shocking, violent acts against both mammals and reptiles. One video shows an employee cutting into a live turtle. In other clips, a fish is tragically bludgeoned and then dismembered. According to California state law, dismembering, flaying, or cutting open any animal while it is still alive is illegal. Local officials should treat this case with high stakes, and must find the people violating the law as soon as possible.

Some other animals at local markets were treated poorly long before their death. Footage shows chickens painfully stuffed into overcrowded, tight metal cages, and frogs stacked on top of each other in small plastic tubs. These are inhumane conditions, and we must fight against animal cruelty in every shape and form!

The state of California – and San Francisco specifically – have led the charge on other vital laws protecting animals – there is no reason this terrible abuse should be allowed to continue. Sign the petition and help us put pressure on San Francisco Animal Care and Control to conduct a proper investigation and shut these vendors and shops down as soon as possible, before one more animal is made to needlessly suffer!

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