Don't let anti-vaccine nut RFK Jr take over health care in America

You may know RFK Jr. as the guy who found a dead bear on the road and stuck it in his car trunk to eat later. And then went to a steak dinner, and decided to leave the bear in Central Park. He's very, very weird.

And he's got some very, very weird opinions re: health care, including vaccine skepticism (aka, "being a moron"). And opposing fluoride in water, the single-most effective step against tooth decay taken in the last 50 years.

And Donald Trump wants to put him in charge of the department of Health and Human Services. He wants to let him fight to reduce vaccination rates, and unleash new waves of measles, polio and god knows what else. And wreak havoc across the health care spectrum.

In short, putting him in charge of health care is like putting an arsonist in charge of the fire department. And there is no way in hell we should do it.

Add your name, urge the Senate to reject his nomination, and don't let anti-vaccine nut RFK Jr take over health care in America.

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