Tell Iceland Not to Resume Fin Whale Hunt

  • av: Judith B.
  • mottagare: Johanna Sigurdardottir, Prime Minister of Iceland

The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world; only the blue whale is bigger. It is also one of the most endangered whales. Numbers never recovered from the commercial hunting of the 19th and 20th centuries and today there are only about 50,000 left.

One country still kills large numbers of these great whales, Iceland. Last year, the fin whale hunt was called off because of the earthquake in Japan - which buys the meat, although the market is declining. This year, the Icelandic government is determined that the brutal slaughter of fin whales resume.

Aside from the terrible cruelty - it takes a long time to kill a whale at sea - the fin whale hunt is simply not sustainable.  Tell Iceland not to resume this cruel, outdated and unnecessary practice

We the undersigned ask that you not resume the fin whale hunt this summer. The fin whale is an endangered species and aside from animal welfare considerations, the hunt is not sustainable.  It also brings little benefit to Iceland. The slaughter brings in little to the economy, it is stopping Iceland from joining the EU, it does absolutely nothing to help international relations, and it is preventing a potentially extremely lucrative whale watching industry from getting off the ground.  

Thank you for your attention.

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