It's Time to Put Jonean Ratliff into the Moberly Public Schools Hall of Fame

    Perhaps no other educator has had more influence for good in the community of Moberly, Missouri than Jonean Ratliff. Over her 40-year career as a vocal music instructor, she touched the lives of tens-of-thousands of students. She has been nominated to the Moberly Public Schools Hall of Fame many times before but has been denied entrance because she still serves on the school board despite being retired for 25 years. We the undersigned respectfully request that the MPS Foundation make an exception to their current guidelines and induct Ms. Ratliff into the 2020 Hall of Fame before it is too late!
    Uppdatera #25 år sedan
    A big thank you to everyone who has signed or shared this petition for Ms. Ratliff. We are now over 100 signatures! I would like to print the petition and include it with her nomination this Friday. Please share this petition on your own Facebook page and invite any others who were blessed by Jonean to sign our petition. Thanks again! Greg
    Uppdatera #15 år sedan
    Thank you for supporting Ms. Ratliff by signing her petition. We we already have her nomination completed and ready to send, we just want to include this petition with as many of names as possible to encourage the foundation to make an exception to the guideline that has kept her out the past 5 years.

    Please share this petition request on your own Facebook page and let's get this done!
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