Protect Tigers from Train Collisions in India

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Sri Jairam Ramesh

A 10 month old tiger cub was run over by a speeding train and killed on the Gondia-Chandrapur railway line near Kelzar, India, a few weeks ago. A second cub was critically injured.

A few months ago, a sloth bear was run over in the same spot. Many sloth bears, leopards, Indian gaurs, and wild boars occur regularly. Since 2010, as many as 49 elephants have been stuck and killed, and then there is the unnoticed and unreported wildlife that has been injured or killed by speeding trains in forest patches.

There are several thing the railways could do to prevent these needless deaths. They could restrict speed limits, halt movement of night trains passing through wildlife corridors, wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks,and construct elevated tracks and underpasses. Insist that the railways make budgetary provision for wildlife.


Sri Jairam Ramesh
Honorable Minister
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Paryavaran Bhavan,CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Phone: 91-11-24361727
Fax: 91-11-24362222
E-Mail:, or

A 10 month old tiger cub was run over by a speeding train and killed on the Gondia-Chandrapur railway line near Kelzar, India, a few weeks ago. A second cub was critically injured.

A few months ago, a sloth bear was run over in the same spot. Many sloth bears, leopards, Indian gaurs, and wild boars occur regularly. Since 2010, as many as 49 elephants have been stuck and killed, and then there is the unnoticed and unreported wildlife that has been injured or killed by speeding trains in forest patches.

There are several thing the railways could do to prevent these needless deaths. They could restrict speed limits, halt movement of night trains passing through wildlife corridors, wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks,and construct elevated tracks and underpasses. Insist that the railways make budgetary provision for wildlife.


Sri Jairam Ramesh
Honorable Minister
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Paryavaran Bhavan,CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Phone: 91-11-24361727
Fax: 91-11-24362222
E-Mail:, or

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