Laws of the United States of America require humane treatment of animals, including humane methods of putting them to death, yet Wal-Mart has agreed to sell in its stores the meat of animals that have been inhumanely slaughtered, which may in fact be a violation of law.

Whether or not it turns out to be a violation of existing laws, we the undersigned strenuously object to the perpetuation of the cruel practice of slaughtering animals for meat in the inhumane fashion used by those who wish to sell their products in Wal-Mart and elsewhere.

More humane methods exist of putting animals to death for the purpose of taking their meat for human consumption. No one should enjoy an illegitimate right of inhumane slaughter.

We demand that Wal-Mart reject the practice of inhumane slaughter, and the possibility of selling meat of animals that have been cruelly slaughtered. Let our signatures serve as notice that we will cease to patronize Wal-Mart unless our demand is met.

It was reported that Wal-Mart recently added Halal meats to its inventory, at the insistence of a small group of about 50 petitioners. In a few days, about seven times as many have signed a petition demanding that Wal-Mart not include Halal meats in its inventory. Now it remains for Wal-Mart to determine whether it wishes to attract and appease the great minority, or instead to bend to the wishes of the overwhelming majority. In a free society, Wal-Mart has that choice. We who have signed the petition against Wal-Marts ploicy have made ours.

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