Don't Cut Funding for Public Housing and Infrastructure!

President Trump has declared over and over again that our cities are falling apart, but he and Ben Carson just announced that they're planning to cut $6 billion from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) budget. What does this mean? If our cities were falling apart before, they're going to be crumbling now.

HUD might not be the most glamorous government agency, but it's one of the most vital. This agency helps make sure that people have roofs over their heads at night — something that everyone with a heart should want and support. According to HUD's website, it "is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, improve and develop the Nation's communities and enforce fair housing laws."

Cutting funding for HUD would have immediate consequences. Community assistance programs that cater to the elderly could disappear. Homelessness would skyrocket. Public housing and infrastructure would no longer be maintained. Even public parks could fall into disrepair.

We have to send a strong message to Trump, Ben Carson, and their swampy cronies: Don't cut funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development! It is inhuman and wrong.
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