Approximately every 20 minutes to 30 minutes in the United States alone a dog is shot by a law enforcement offer(s) when other detaining measures could be taken. Shocking isn't it? More often than not these dogs are not a threat. Many of these dogs have been shot running away! There are a number of reasons why Officers shoot dogs that are no threat. Unwarrented fear, abuse of authority and other factors. Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control. Many times officers have even walked into families own back yards and shot their dogs. This is not right! There is absolutely no reason to shoot and kill a defenseless dog, period! It's time for a change. Families are devastated by the loss of their pets which we feel are are family members like our children. In this petition I'm also asking for strict punishment like any other abuser. Officers should not escape the law, animal abuse being a felony, they have been! All lives matter, that includes animals.
Approximately every 20 minutes to 30 minutes in the United States alone a dog is shot by a law enforcement officer(s) when other detaining measures could be taken. More often than not these dogs are not a threat. There are a number of reasons why Officers shoot dogs that are no threat. Many of these dogs have been shot running away from officers, or cowering in corners. Unwarrented fear, abuse of authority and other factors. Some Officers shoot dogs and even laugh about it like they enjoy it! This is criminal. Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control. There have been many times when Officers have even walked into a families own back yard and shot their dog(s). Mr President, people are angry and or heartbroken, devastated!! They have had enough! Families are devastated by the loss of their pets which we feel are are family members like our children. Mr. President we ask that you consider the seriousness of this issue and stop the killing, enforce the use the tazers instead. There is absolutely no reason to shoot and kill a defenseless dog, period! Officers are getting away with murder. It is no light matter. Under the law pets are only property, but to us they are family. almost ALL the time, Officers never face charges!! We also want stricter punishment for these Officers, they should not be above the law.
Here's just one site that will give you a glimpse into the severity of the problem..
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