N.Peal: Stop Profiteering Off of Animal Cruelty!

Luxury clothing brand N.Peal is supporting and making profit off of animal cruelty by selling clothing made from such cruel animal products as genuine FUR, leather, merino and cashmere.
Animals are HORRENDOUSLY abused and killed for their fur. When trapped in the wild for their pelts, innocent animals, such as coyotes, foxes and raccoons can suffer for hours or (if the trapper disobeys the law/s, or in places where there are no such laws) DAYS in horrid leg-hold traps that break legs and paws, as well as snares, before being strangled or beaten to death (they are killed in ways that don't damage their fur). Any orphaned young of any female animals caught and killed are probably doomed to die of starvation or predation.
On fur farms, animals like foxes, raccoons, mink and rabbits are kept in cruel conditions in cages before being killed by lethal injection, neck-breaking, electrocution, beating, gassing or poisoning.
Merino wool is often produced in Australia, where mulesing - a practice in which chunks of skin are cut off of the sheep's backsides - is done.
Horrific abuse has been documented in the business of producing cashmere. Goats have been slaughtered in view of other goats, hit on the heads with hammers and had their limbs twisted as their hair was torn out aggressively with metal combs.
Leather may be a by-product, but it still supports the hideously cruel and unjust mass slaughter of animals. Some cows have even been skinned alive!
It's time N.Peal took a stance against animal cruelty and changed their ethical and environmental policies! It's time they became a 100% vegan, ethical and eco-friendly brand!

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