Don't Let French Chefs Serve Endangered Songbirds!

French chefs are lobbying for the right to capture, kill and serve the endangered ortolan once a year. The cute songbird was once targeted for its tiny body and bones, and its preparation -- still an underground "delicacy" -- is a grim part of French history. To prepare the bird, chefs force feed it, then drown it in Armagnac, a type of brandy. The bird is then roasted and eaten bones and all.

These birds are now endangered and illegal to capture in France, though serving them remains legal. French chefs would like to change that for just one day a year. 

Even a one-day allowance could threaten the bird's numbers if the practice grows in popularity. And the method of preparing the bird is nothing short of torture, which should never be permitted regardless of tradition. Please sign the petition to urge French authorities to keep ortolans off the menu every day of the year!

As you know, French chefs are lobbying for the right to capture, kill and serve the endangered ortolan once a year. The cute songbird was once targeted for its tiny body and bones, and its preparation -- still an underground "delicacy" -- is a grim part of French history. To prepare the bird, chefs force feed it, then drown it in Armagnac, a type of brandy. The bird is then roasted and eaten bones and all.

We believe that even a one-day allowance could threaten the bird's numbers if the practice grows in popularity. And the method of preparing the bird is nothing short of torture, which should never be permitted regardless of tradition. If anything, the practice of serving ortolan at all should be made illegal. We respectfully urge you to keep ortolans off the menu every day of the year. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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