MSW classes to be held in Main Campus

As we all know and some have experienced, the safety surrounding the Carnegie Center in Atlantic City is vertually non-existent. For instance, multiple cars have been broken into and/or stolen, students have to have security officers walk them too/from class, a parking attendant (which is usually not present) is supposed to be watching over the lots, non-student individuals have been seen engaging in drug use in the parking lots, and multiple crimes have occurred within a short distance from the building causing many individuals to not want to leave. While we have obtained some amenities to help us get through classes that a college student would usually have, we still are at an unfair advantage compared to the other students located on main campus. And we now have to worry about our safety and the safety of our belongings!! As masters students, we contribute the same fees and tuition dollars as the other students who have the luxury of attending classes at the main campus in Galloway and feel safe. We do not believe that there is any reason why we cannot continue the remaining semester at the main campus. We do understand that theft and safety issues may be present anywhere, however; the crime rate in Atlantic City exceeds that of the Galloway Township campus. At no point should students have to not feel safe while just trying to continue our education.

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