DEMAND Pollack Fashion Outerwear to STOP selling FUR!

  • av: Kelly Lehman
  • mottagare: Bob, Judy, and Susan Pollack OWNERs of Pollack furs

Pollack Furs is a bussiness in my area that sells a high volume of exotic furs. Signing this petition is letting them know you will not buy anything from them or support their store until its fur free!! And that you will be spreading the word that wearing furs is unethical, disgusting and just plain wrong!

For more info on them or to contact them personally:

Fur is litterally a dead trend and needs to be stopped now. With a multitude of fake fur options, real fur should in no way be made available. Millions of beautiful animals such as Minks, Foxes, Raccoon Dogs, Rabbits, Beavers, Chinchillas, Seals, Bears, and yes, even Cats and Dogs along with others are being killed and skinned only for an old school "fashion" misconception.

These animals can be trapped in the wild by Conlbear Traps, Steel-Jaw traps or Leghold Traps. These methods involve tricking the animal by placing a food or scent that lures the animal to it and then within a split second the traps closes down on their paws, arms, head or other body parts. These trapped wild animals will often twist or chew off their own limbs just to escape the fear and agony. Sadly too often, cats and dogs come across these jaw traps as well.

For the animals who are born and raised specifically for their pelts, live on Fur Farms. THERE ARE NO FEDERAL HUMANE SLAUGHTER LAWs TO PROTECT THESE ANIMALS in Fur Farms, therefore killing methods are gruesome. Their lives are as such.

Crates on top of crates are over flowing and packed with raccoon dogs, foxes, rabbits, and other animals breed for their fur. Feces and urine fall through the crates down onto the animals below and the ammonia produced cause blindness and lung problems. Many go insane under these conditions. The frustration and stress causes many of them to self mutilate and even cannibalize their cage mates. They are either kept in dark filthy sheds or lined up outside with no protection from the cold, rain or heat. There death comes in many different forms, but all horrific. They are as follows.     

Anal Electrocution, where the animal is forced to bite on a piece of metal while the farmer anally rapes the animal with a metal rod. This usually does not kill the animal right away and has to be done repeatedly.

Genital Electrocution, causes the animal to have cardiac arrest while they are still conscious.

Poisoned with Strychnine which suffocates the animal while still conscious. Gas chambers and neck breaking are also used. To many are still left alive while they feel their flesh ripped from their bodies until all thats left is a dead poisoned carcass that then gets put through a meat grinder and is feed to the remaining animals waiting for their tragic fate of being skinned and killed.

These are the faces and stories behind these fur products. Beautiful, unique, intelligent  animals are being drained of their lives every second. And for what? For a fashion statement? No this cant be, it makes no sense and WHY is it still happening, let alone still legal.

Fur retailers and places like Pollack Furs need to be shut down NOW. Only we can change this, and we can. By standing up for these animals, for being their voice, for making it stop. Fur is a dead trend, help me put it to rest. Thank you, Thank you

Myself along with the following people refuse to support your store in any way until it is FUR FREE. In the meantime we will be spreading awareness about the torment and disgust that is fur farming and selling of furs. We will stand up for these animals until selling fur is just a nightmare from the past. You have to know better than this. Stop. selling. fur. 

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