Help the Rights of Nature Movement Protect the Amazon!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Brazilian President Lula de Silva

Environmentalists around the world were thrilled when Lula de Silva beat Jair Bolsonaro in the recent election in Brazil. Now, it is time for Lula to live up to the environmental claims of his campaign and give the Amazon Rainforest rights! 

Sign now to tell Lula to enshrine the Amazon's right to exist into law! We must work to undo some of the damage of Bolsonaro's presidency!

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature movement has worked in countries around the world to give animals and entire ecosystems the same rights that human beings have.

So far, the legal strategy has been remarkably successful – and it is time that the new Brazilian president use this same tactic with the Amazon rainforest.  

After years of pro-deforestation efforts from the former right-wing president, Lula could work to save what rainforest remains and protect indigenous rights in the area.

Of course the Amazon Rainforest is essential for human health and well-being: it is a carbon-sink, capturing greenhouse gas emissions, and it is home to many indigenous people. In addition to all of those human benefits, the rainforest deserves to exist in its own right.

Newly elected Brazilian President Lula de Silva must protect the Amazon by enshrining the rainforest's right to exist into law! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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