Encourage Oregon to Move Forward With Stricter Animal Abuse Laws to Protect Animals

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Oregon State Legislators

Most people grow up with a conscience and morals to know that abusing any animal in any manner is cruel and unjust. If such knowledge is passed on to the youth of our society, chances are that animals would get the love, care and respect they deserve.  Yet, the abuse continues and will do so unless each state nationwide, like Oregon implements strict laws that will make an impact.  Read more on such laws, charges and strict penalties at http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf, http://www.oregonhumane.org/wp-content/uploads/08-20-14_law_book2.pdf, http://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/167.320

Oregon has made great strides in ensuring the protection of animals with felony charges, depending on the severity of case and 1st or 2nd & subsequent offenses.  A spokesperson with the Oregon district attorney’s office states that "We have what sounds like a tough law. But there is literally no way to get prison time, no matter how horrible the (animal-related) crime.” He goes on to say that "There's an absolutely undeniable link between person and animal cruelty. All of the serious sexual psychopaths have animal cruelty in their backgrounds.”                

Humans need to be held accountable for their actions of abuse, cruelty and abandonment of defenseless animals.  The disrespect of animals comes in all forms, from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense. 

The effort in this petition is to urge Oregon State Legislators to implement stricter animal cruelty laws, charges and penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony, starting with first offenses.  Penalties need to include longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and medical treatment. Additionally, such abusers need to be banned for lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.  There is never a reason to intentionally harm an animal. You can help with this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments for the protection of animals. 

Oregon State Legislators – I strongly urge you to implement stricter animal cruelty laws, charges and penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony, starting with first offenses.  Penalties need to include longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and medical treatment. Additionally, such abusers need to be banned for lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.  There is never a reason to intentionally harm an animal and you need to take a crucial step to ensure their protection.

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