CLIMATE MATTERS! Ottawa Valley Local Governments MUST ACT NOW!

    Local governments can do a LOT to address dangers, harm and causes of climate change. Most Kitchissippi-Ottawa Valley townships and towns have tight budgets, and their staff have little climate adaptation and mitigations expertise.

    Did you know that acredited 2023 research shows that more than 3/4 of Canadian youth (16-25) are in emotional and psychological distress about their futures because of the climate crisis? Just imagine growing up feeling that you have NO future?!? .. Why care about anything? Let's stand up for their futures, and for all of us.

    We propose a RENFREW COUNTY COUNCIL CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE to coordinate county-wide initiatives and support member municipalities with leadership, knowledge, and access to expertise as well as higher-level government programs. A few of our towns already have best practices to share. We are compiling these in a report we will release in early December 2023.

    It is vitally important that the new Valley-wide committee include all local governments. Pembroke, which already has a climate action initiative, operates independently of the Renfrew County Council and must be joined to the County initiative so we can all collaborate on this huge and scary issue.

    It is truly astounding what local level governments can do IF they decide to. Our chapter of the Council of Canadians -- Kitchissippi-Ottawa Valley, aka "KOV" -- is developing an inventory of what many municipalities CAN and ARE DOING, to help our county municipalities get going.

    Help us call on Renfrew County Council to get this Local Government Valley-Wide Climate Action Committee established by Earth Day: April 22, 2024:

    Sign this petition please.
    Send it along by social media and email to others who might sign.
    We also have a paper version if you want that for a meeting or event you are attending.
    Get involved with our group to help build the campaign.
    Email us at
    Signera petitionen
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