Vogue Magazine: Stand For Animal Rights! Ban The Promotion of Fur!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: American Vogue and 26 International Editions

Recently, Elle Magazine decided they wanted to be on the right side of history. The company announced that from here on out, all of their magazines – including 45 global editions -- would be "fur free!" Halting the promotion and glamorization of fur is just as critical as stopping murderous fur production itself. This is a crucial step towards increasing awareness of animal welfare issues and rejecting the fur industry's abusive and horrific practices. But other fashion magazines have been hesitant to take the same stance, leaving fur on their covers, editorials, and advertisements – and blood on their hands.

Sign now to demand that Vogue Magazine stop promoting fur in their magazines! 

Animals raised and killed for their skin and fur live torturous lives for "fashion." Bred and born mainly on fur farms, creatures such as mink, foxes, chinchillas, and many many more species wallow in misery. They are packed into tight, restrictive, filthy cages. They are deprived of proper care and behavioral outlets – so long as their fur remains in good condition, there is no incentive for farmers to keep them healthy and happy when they are just going to be killed anyway. And the ways in which they are killed are horrific – in order to maintain their coats in the process, they are gassed or even electrocuted with implements placed in their mouths or anuses. 

Elle's amazing new animal rights-driven charter eliminated all future content that promotes animal fur -- including in print, on its websites, and on social media. This change will reach millions of readers. But Vogue has millions of total web visits, too, along with many print subscribers. So, why won't the world-renowned fashion magazine stand up for what is right, and what a growing number of young, fashion-interested people want?

There is a strong precedent for Vogue speaking out against injustice and taking a stand to uplift the voices of the marginalized and disenfranchised. Teen Vogue has been a key voice of progessive politics in the past few years, promoting amazing educational content for young people and resisting the unjust politics of Donald Trump's presidency. Now, Vogue must continue on with the trend -- both within their own company and in the industry more broadly -- and ban the promotion of fur in all of their magazines. 

The future of fashion is fur-free. Sign now to demand that Vogue stand with animals around the world and ban fur from their publications!

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