Tell Trump: Don't Replace EPA Scientists with Business Leaders!

  • av: Ann W
  • mottagare: President Donald Trump

The Environmental Protection Agency has started dismissing members of a major scientific review board to begin the process of shrinking its regulatory capabilities. Instead of actual scientists making decisions, business leaders from the corporate world will take over the process. The same corporate world that has in many cases caused environmental atrocities!

According to the New York Times: "President Trump has directed Mr. Pruitt to radically remake the E.P.A., pushing for deep cuts in its budget - including a 40 percent reduction for its main scientific branch - and instructing him to roll back major Obama-era regulations on climate change and clean water protection. In recent weeks, the agency has removed some scientific data on climate change from its websites, and Mr. Pruitt has publicly questioned the established science of human-caused climate change."

Please join me in demanding that President Trump leave environmental science to the scientists - not the polluters the EPA is supposed to regulate.

Dear President Trump,

In your eagerness to roll back regulations on the corporate world from the Environmental Protection Agency you are placing our world in peril. For decades, much work has been done to reverse and prevent pollution, climate change and countless other acts.

Instead of getting rid of the regulations, how about encouraging corporations to use new methods to provide services that do not damage the world?

We need scientists to make these recommendations and decisions. Business leaders are NOT scientists!


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