Justice for Drogo

Our family dog Drogo was shot by our neighbor. Drogo is a beautiful 1 year old boxer who loves attention. Our neighbor shot him for simply walking in his yard. This same neighbor we have known for years, he attended our wedding, his girlfriends kids have played with our kids, and etc. He never came over to tell us Drogo had been over there. He never filed a complaint with the police. He took matters into his own hands. Our 4 children had to see Drogo unconscious and dying. Luckily Drogo survived but he is not in the clear. The vet thinks the bullet is in the sac surrounding his heart. If that is so he will have to have surgery. All we want is for our neighbor to pay all cost for Drogos vet bills, pay for trauma to our family, and get a felony charge for nearly killing our dog.

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