Stop Ballot Measure that Legalizes Battery Cages in California

The United Egg Producers and the Association of California Egg Farmers have each launched ballot measures for 2018 that would explicitly legalize battery cages throughout California.

In nearly identical measures, these industry trade associations are attempting to repeal California's present hen-housing law which was overwhelmingly approved by voters 10 years ago. That law, though not without issues, states that egg-laying hens must be given enough space to be able to "fully spread both wings without touching the side of an enclosure or other egg-laying hens."

The industry's measures would repeal that — and replace it with language that explicitly legalizes battery cages throughout the state. And regardless of whether the hens are in cages or in horrific multi-level "cage-free" factory systems, the industry needs only to provide hens with one square foot of space per hen. 

Sign this petition to keep the egg industry's toxic measure off the ballot.

For further important information, please read the Special Report at

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For further important information, please read the Special Report at
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