Fire Chief of Staff John Kelly for Protecting Domestic Abuser!

Society at large may be trying to better grapple with issues of sexual and domestic abuse, but Americans certainly aren't looking to the White House for guidance on these subjects. That's with good reason - it turns out the Trump administration has been harboring a high-ranking official facing multiple domestic violence allegations.

White House staff secretary Rob Porter recently resigned after two of his ex-wives came forward, publicly alleging that he had abused them. Unfortunately, the controversy doesn't end there. According to reports, Chief of Staff John Kelly knew about the abuse allegations for months, and even defended Porter after the allegations began to surface publicly.

Please join in demanding that President Trump fire John Kelly immediately for protecting Rob Porter's abusive behavior.

Both women accusing Porter of domestic violence have shared damning proof to back up their claims. Porter's first wife, Colbie Holderness, released photos of herself with a black eye that surfaced after he punched her. His second wife, Jennifer Willoughby, shared a restraining order she had against Porter.

In fact, the proof against Porter was so damning, the FBI repeatedly refused to grant him security clearance. So why was he able to obtain and keep such an important, high-ranking position? Because people like John Kelly were willing to protect him and advocate for him.

It's time for both abusers and those who protect them to be held accountable. Sign now to demand that Trump fire John Kelly for his complicity now.
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