Stop botox being testing on animals

  • av: Janet Limberg
  • mottagare: The Head of Botox manufacturing companies

Every year 300,000 mice are estimated to be used worldwide to test botox each. The BUAV discovered that one UK laboratory alone is using up to 74,000 mice a year for botox testing. 74,000!

Because the rediculous toxin is potentially highly dangerous, each batch is tested before it hits the high street. Unfortunately the toxicity test is carried out on mice and is based on the standard LD50 test and classed even by the UK Government, which tends to play down suffering, as being of “substantial severity”. The LD50 test aims to determine the dose that kills exactly half of the animals used - it is called the LD50 because the lethal dose will kill 50% of the animals. Manufacturers use the LD50 figure to grade the 'strength' of their products. It is an archaic test and one of the cruellest and most controversial animal experiments.

The mice are injected into the abdomen with the toxin and then periodically observed to see how many die. The mice become increasingly paralysed, eventually gasping for breath and, if left, will suffocate to death. The degree of suffering is appalling.

Not to cure cancer. Just for botox. Sign here to ban botox and save the animals from pain and misery.

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