Arkema - Release List of Your Chemicals to the Public

  • av: Kevin Mathews
  • mottagare: Robert Rowe, CEO of Arkema in North America
Flooding from Hurricane Harvey has led to explosions and fires at the Arkema chemical plant near Houston. While the company and local authorities have insisted the situation is safe, Arkema still has not publicly released a list of the chemicals housed on the facilities to give people confidence.

Texas law allow companies to not disclose the chemicals it uses because they are "trade secrets," but that's hardly a good enough reason not to release the list in these cirumstances. After all, a governmental safety report filed three years ago admit that the plant had enough anhydrous sulfur dioxide to pose a health risk to the one million+ people living in a 23-mile radius.

Richard Rowe, we ask you to do the right thing and be transparent about what dangers this situation carries. Release the list of chemicals to either give residents some peace of mind or know the dangers that potentially face them.
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