Hello đ,
I am an animal rights person who lives in Devon, UK. I get upset when I see people fishing for "sport" when out. It's animal cruelty disguised as a "hobby". If people were doing it to other wildlife like deer, squirrels or birds, it would be seen more as animal cruelty and some conservationists would be against it. However, fish feel pain. Scientific evidence is in favour of that notion. Numerous scientific reports from around the world have concluded that fish feel pain. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow studied the pain receptors in fish and found that they were very similar to mammals, saying that "fish do have the capacity for pain perception and suffering."
Fish have evolved over millions of years, their ecosystems and anatomies having adapted to survive. Yet, these evolved and surprisingly capable creatures are lured onto hooks with "bait", only to have said hooks thrust through them, likely tearing their lips snd causing pain, only to then be pulled out of the water, their swim bladder expanding, only to then suffocate, be killed with rocks or be put back into the water, suffering and often dying later on. Catch-and-release fishing is still cruel. Fish can lose their protective scale coating through being handled, making them vulnerable to disease, a dangerous buildup of lactic acid in their muscles, oxygen depletion and damage to their delicate fins and mouths. According to a fishery expert, fish thst are caught and released could be more vulnerable to predators, unable to swim away, not capable of fending off nest raiders (perhaps, further devastating their populations by reducing the number of young fish that survive to adulthood). Some guarding males could, in fact, abandon the nest."
Recreational fishing can also cause damage to other wildlife species. Some fishers leave litter behind, such as cans that once held "food" used as "bait", bottles, lines and hooks, posing dangers to wildlife. According to the (US) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more than one million birds and 100,000 marine mammals die due to ingestion of, and entanglement in, marine debris (with probably a good amount being fishing-related litter). The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reports that discarded monofilament fishing line is the number one killer of adult brown pelicans. This also poses a risk to other birds and wildlife, too. Dead cormorants, herons, egrets, roseate spoonbills and (probably) other bird species have been found having died due to discarded monofilament fishing line. One out of every five manatee rescues in the 1980's and 1990's was related to fishing line entanglement and, during a four-year span, at least 35 dolphins died from injuries caused by being entangled in fishing line. Requiring that all recreational fishers discard their litter properly is not enough. Rules and laws would be broken and fish and other wildlife lives would still be lost. We need to ban recreational fishing in all of Devon, UK, and send a message to other counties and, possibly, eventually to the UK Government to outlaw recreational fishing.
People do fish for "entertainment", but entertainment is no excuse for unnecessary cruelty. Other things can be done for entertainment and supported and sustained to help boost and keep up Devon's tourism, such as keeping beaches cleaner, reducing water pollution for swimmers and beachgoers, maintaining swimming pools, supporting and maintaining existing local cinemas, restaurants, holiday resorts, caravan sites, gardens, adventure parks, animal sanctuaries, National Trust places, heritage sites, museums, galleries, parks, cafes, shops and other local businesses, supporting the local economy, the livelihoods of locals, helping wildlife and the environment, helping other animals and, probably, enhancing enjoyment for many and increasing the likelihood of some people visiting Devon again or even living in Devon, contributing to the communities and economy of Devon.
Please, please, please, PLEASE ban recreational fishing in all of Devon NOW!!!!
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